A design without a designer?

Brian Kitunda
3 min readJan 28, 2023


I have decided to take a small detour from what you are used to me writing about — bytes to talk about something else. This will come as a surprise to many who know me.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

They say the truth sets you free, I guess I am free now. To know the truth, you need to find it. If you wanted to know why 1+1 is equals to 2 you would need to grab a Mathematics book. If you wanted to know why 1+1 is also equal to 10 you would not need to grab a Mathematics book, you would need a book that deals with bits to understand that.

In my search for the truth, I kept going to the wrong books. What truth was I looking for? Well is God real? Who created us? Why do we even exist? Where are we going? I may not have answers to all of these questions right now but I am sure about one thing, God’s existence.

The truth is in the Bible. The Bible explains clearly where we came from and to be honest it gives the most sensible explanation of where we came from. If you look at mountains, water bodies and nature in general, you must be convinced that someone created all these. They cannot exist by accident. In simple terms, we cannot deny that there is a creator.

Most of the other theories that exist do not point to a creator. We can only be a reflection of our origin, even in our lives today, nothing comes out of nothing. If you need a house you will have to go through the whole process of bringing together all the materials that are needed to build it. How would the world exist without a creator then?

The Bible starts with the account of creation. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was however formless and empty and was filled with darkness. The first thing God did was to bring life to it by bringing light. That explains the concept of day and night.

On the second day, he created a vault to separate water from water. He called the vault sky. On the third day, he gathered the water under the sky to one place and dry ground emerged. He called the gathered water, “seas” and the dry ground “land”. With the land set in place, he ordered that the land produces vegetation.

On the fourth day, focus shifted to the skies. God felt that there was need to give light on the earth. He made 2 great lights, the greater light to govern the day and the lesser to govern the night. This way, He separated light from darkness.

On the fifth day, God looked at the water below and created creatures to live in it. He also looked at the skies and created creatures to fly about the sky. On the last day, the sixth day, God created us, in His own image and likeness so that we may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky. The following day, God rested.

If you look at the order of creation, this is a designer like no other. This explains the beauty in the world. Everything looks to just fall into place. I would never give a better explanation of how the world came to be if this does not add up.

Just by reading the first chapter of the Bible, a lot has changed. The more you read the Bible, the more it starts making sense. I would challenge those who do not believe to open the Bible and read it verse by verse. As I always say, the dots will connect.



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