My Journey So Far
Right now I am a Computer Science Student at Maseno University, Kisumu, Kenya. It has been a journey for me.
The first time i lay my finger on a computer power button in 2009 when i was only 9, i felt something different. It is from that time i developed some passion with computers. However, back then I mainly played games like Midtown Madness, Need for Speed Most Wanted and MK : The first games i ever played.
The real passion for programming began in 2016, when i was a form 3 student, Njiiri School, Murang’a County, Kenya. It was not balancing books and programming. I therefore had to wait up to December 2017 after my Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examinations to start programming.
Immediately, i started off with HTML, then CSS. I was able to create websites. I did my Curriculum Vitae and a blog site before i joined campus. The 9 months after the examinations were a blessing for me. I kicked off my journey and as any other programmer made Google and Stackoverflow my best friends.
I also did Bootstrap, a CSS framework that styling easier. I started learning through Sololearn, an android app. I also got some videos from Youtube and PDF documents that helped me understand basic programming concepts.
One mistake that I made in the beginning was being too harsh with myself by studying languages like C and C++. But with time, came experience. I ended up learning Python. With Python, at least I could make something out of my effort unlike C and C++ whose applications were nothing close to what I wanted. With every mistake, is a lesson however. They had helped me grasp programming concepts like modular programming.
So far i have learnt two programming languages in school, C and Java which I am currently studying. It will be of great help as i may consider Android development.I am also studying Django, a Python web framework.
I hope to one day be an established software developer. Solving problems gives me peace.
Brian Kitunda,
Computer Science, 1st year, Maseno University